How Much Is One Bitcoin in Nigeria Currency?

The Bitcoin rate is one of the most widely discussed topics in blockchain space that sets saliva running down the lips of anyone even remotely associated with it. Enthusiasts and outright ignorant people are engaged in a constant struggle, attempting to pinpoint the exact worth of the leading cryptocurrency, trying to guess how much it will cost at some point in the future. Some of them claim that Bitcoin will not cost anything in a year in terms of USD rate. Others claim that Bitcoin will be worth more than $100,000 in a year. But the irony of the matter is that the majority of the people engaged in these debates do not have any Bitcoins on their wallets or are so poor that they cannot afford to pay for even the most basic cryptos on the market. This incessant flow of information and discourse in various forums and channels is precisely the type of media white noise that throws off people who are really interested in e-assets. But when faced with the slew of misinformation and arguments voiced by people who have no idea what they are talking about, newcomers into crypto simply feel discouraged and leave the idea of entering the market altogether before even engaging in it.

Luckily, Nigerians are a very persistent and determined bunch, and many of them still wonder how much is one Bitcoin in Nigeria currency in hopes of acquiring the vaunted Bitcoin. National currencies are being shoved into the question because most Nigerians have no choice but to use their native currency. The local government did try to release its own Naira NGN, but the latter received little interest and was not very well accepted. The BTC NGN exchange rate never really took off and few cryptocurrency exchanges can boast of introducing such a pair in their lists. This factor leaves Nigerians with little choice other than resorting to the United States Dollar for their external operations.

It is quite fortunate as well that the blockchain domain is very diverse, riddled with numerous options for taking advantage of trading opportunities. This extends to the variety of coins on offer and their affordability. Considering that most cryptocurrencies are currently on a low start in light of a general market slump, this could be a good time for Nigerians to start thinking of stocking up.

How Much Is One Bitcoin in Nigeria Currency?

However, if Nigerians still have the desire to acquire Bitcoin, then they should get ready to shell out 20,969,301 Naira for a single coin. Such a number seems astronomical to the vast majority of Nigerians, many of whom are still stuck in an agrarian state of living. The poor development of the country, despite its immense riches, is the direct result of its colonial past, which has entrenched a sense of innate poverty into the local population. Luckily, e-assets have helped shed a ray of hope onto the whole state of affairs.

E-assets offer a means of escaping the realities of poverty, as they are both affordable and volatile. It is precisely the factor of price uncertainty that drives changes for enrichment using cryptocurrencies, considering that small steps and trade orders allow users to gain a minor profit. The strategy is called hedging and is a good start for those seeking to enter the market. The start will be slow and profits will be very low at the beginning, but some practice and luck will eventually result in larger orders and profits.

Key Takeaways

If you are looking for opportunities to make some profits and eventually buy Bitcoin, then get ready to acquaint yourself with a lot of interesting blockchain-born assets. Luckily, favorable conditions now exist for those who have the intention of playing in the long-term, so now is the time to stock up.
