Buy Bitcoin with Aziatsko-Tikhookenaskiy bank quickly and safely
Choose a suitable offer and open a secure trade
Current market price for 1 BTC:₽6 992 119
5 sec
10 sec
30 sec
Payment method
₽10 269 990
The difference with current market rate is 46.87% (₽3 277 871)
The difference with current market rate is 46.87% (₽3 277 871)
₽200 - ₽19 403
Payment method
₽10 346 239
The difference with current market rate is 47.97% (₽3 354 120)
The difference with current market rate is 47.97% (₽3 354 120)
₽1 000 - ₽281 133
Payment method
Честно и быстро!
₽10 488 179
The difference with current market rate is 50% (₽3 496 060)
The difference with current market rate is 50% (₽3 496 060)
₽3 000 - ₽161 135
Payment method
Быстро и надежно!
Buying Bitcoin on Bitpapa is simple and secure
On completing registration a free multicurrency cryptowallet becomes available to you. If you already have an account, just sign in
How to buy Bitcoin for Aziatsko-Tikhookenaskiy bank on Bitpapa?
After you have signed in, please go to Buy section, enter the amount, select currency and payment method Aziatsko-Tikhookenaskiy bank, then let Bitpapa instantly pick up for you the best offers from sellers. In the list of offers select the offer that matches your requirements and click Buy
How to open a trade?
If you agree with seller's terms, indicate the amount you want to buy and then click Send a trade request button. After sending the request, the specified amount of cryptocurrency will be transferred from seller's balance to an escrow account beyond his reach, which ensures complete security of the trade
How to pay for the trade?
Make a money transfer to Aziatsko-Tikhookenaskiy bank according to instructions provided by seller in the trade chat, and finish the trade by clicking Payment sent
I have paid. When will I get bitcoin?
Seller will confirm the payment and release the amount into your Bitpapa wallet. The cryptocurrency you bought is immediately available for any operation. You can sell or send it to other wallets and services
I'd like to see the trade process clearly
Please watch our instructional video on how to buy Bitcoin. Buying other cryptocurrencies on Bitpapa is done similarly
Bitpapa’s mission is to offer users a simple and friendly environment where they can trade cryptocurrencies
Our platform implements a P2P marketplace where all trades are conducted directly between users. You can buy or sell bitcoin, ethereum, stable coins, and other cryptocurrencies with no third party involved
You don’t need special skills to trade cryptocurrencies. On Bitpapa you can make cryptocurrency trades using hundreds of popular payment methods. If you don’t find your favorite payment method or have other questions, shoot us a message. Our support is available 24/7 and ready to help you!